Visual Studio Code 1.65 shines on JavaScript heap profiles, CSS formatting

Local history, language-specific settings also enhanced in latest version of Microsoft’s open source code editor.

Visual Studio Code 1.66, also identified as the March 2022 release of the code editor, has just been published by Microsoft. The new release brings improvements to JavaScript heap profiles, CSS code formatting, and local history.

Visual Studio Code 1.66 became available on March 30. It can be downloaded from the project website for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

In VS Code 1.66, the JavaScript debugger now supports collecting and visualising heap profiles, so developers can see where and how much memory is being allocated over time. These profiles have been added as an option in the “Debug: Take Performance Profile” command. 

Additionally for JavaScript, Microsoft has aligned the semantic highlighting of JavaScript source in HTML files with what is seen in normal .jscode files. This makes code colours more consistent and adds important semantic information that was missing previously, such as highlighting read-only types.

Also in Visual Studio Code 1.66, the built-in CSS extension now ships with a code formatter, implemented by the js-beautify library, that works with CSS, LESS, and CSS. For local history, VS Code 1.66 introduces a history of files available in the Timeline view. Depending on configured settings, every time an editor is saved, a new entry is added to the list.

Elsewhere in Visual Studio Code 1.66, a language editor in the settings editor enables viewing and editing of all settings that can be configured for the language with the ID languageId. Users can provide language-specific settings, or language overrides. Also in the settings editor, workspace and folder settings now are preserved until manually reset by the user.

In addition, when searching in the VS Code terminal, all instances of the search term now will be highlighted while TypeScript 4.6.3, a minor update that fixes some bugs, is now bundled with the editor. TypeScript 4.6 was published in late February.

Delving deeper, an R in Visual Studio Code topic describes R language support in the editor via the R extension with Visual Studio Code for the Web now also supporting dragging and dropping of local files and folders into a browser window opened on or using a browser that supports the web file system access API to access contents.

Last month’s Visual Studio Code 1.65 release emphasised editor history navigation, debugging, and audio cues.


Visual Studio Code 1.65 在 JavaScript 堆配置文件、CSS 格式方面大放異彩


微軟剛剛發布了 Visual Studio Code 1.66,也被確定為 2022 年 3 月發布的代碼編輯器。新版本改進了 JavaScript 堆配置文件、CSS 代碼格式和本地歷史。

Visual Studio Code 1.66 於 3 月 30 日推出。它可以從項目網站下載,適用於 Windows、Linux 和 MacOS。

在 VS Code 1.66 中,JavaScript 調試器現在支持收集和可視化堆配置文件,因此開發人員可以看到隨著時間的推移分配的內存位置和數量。這些配置文件已作為“調試:獲取性能配置文件”命令中的選項添加。

此外,對於 JavaScript,Microsoft 已將 HTML 文件中 JavaScript 源代碼的語義突出顯示與普通 .jscode 文件中看到的內容保持一致。這使代碼顏色更加一致,並添加了以前缺少的重要語義信息,例如突出顯示只讀類型。

同樣在 Visual Studio Code 1.66 中,內置 CSS 擴展現在附帶一個代碼格式化程序,由 js-beautify 庫實現,可與 CSS、LESS 和 CSS 一起使用。對於本地歷史,VS Code 1.66 引入了 Timeline 視圖中可用文件的歷史。根據配置的設置,每次保存編輯器時,都會在列表中添加一個新條目。

在 Visual Studio Code 1.66 的其他地方,設置編輯器中的語言編輯器允許查看和編輯可以為 ID 為 languageId 的語言配置的所有設置。用戶可以提供特定於語言的設置或語言覆蓋。同樣在設置編輯器中,工作區和文件夾設置現在被保留,直到用戶手動重置。

此外,在 VS Code 終端中搜索時,搜索詞的所有實例現在都將突出顯示,而 TypeScript 4.6.3(修復了一些錯誤的小更新)現在與編輯器捆綁在一起。 TypeScript 4.6 於 2 月下旬發布。

深入研究,Visual Studio Code 中的 R 主題通過 R 擴展描述了編輯器中的 R 語言支持,現在還支持將本地文件和文件夾拖放到在 或 Insiders 上打開的瀏覽器窗口中 使用支持 Web 文件系統訪問 API 的瀏覽器訪問內容。

上個月的 Visual Studio Code 1.65 版本強調了編輯器歷史導航、調試和音頻提示。
